Polaris / Clear Prisma Mirror

Product Number 101

Polaris Prisma Mirror

Prisma is flexible, real glass mirror that can make a room glitter with subtle images of light and color, and is adaptable to most any wall surface configuration.

Available Size

Sheet Size: 23-1/2” x 23-1/2”’
Thickness: 3/32”
Square Feet: 3.84 SF

Available Cuts

prisma mirror square cut

Square Cut
1″ x 1″
2″ x 2″
3″ x 3″
1/2″ x 1/2″

prisma mirror rectangle cut

Rectangle Cut
1″ x 2″
2″ x 3″
1/2″ x 1″
1/2″ x 2″

prisma mirror strip cut

Strip Cut
1/2″ x length
1″ x length
2″ x length
3″ x length

Shipping and Ordering Information

F.O.B. – Louisville, KY
Handling fee will apply.
Normal lead time is approximately 2 weeks to ship.
Contact factory for custom pattern cuts.

Required Adhesive

Omega National Products’ part number – 1000NS
Gallon container # 1000NS-G / each (covers 100 SF)
Quart container # 1000NS-Q / each (covers 25 SF)

Contact Omega Mirror Products

We know that you and your customers will enjoy this unique mirror. With proper care it will easily last a lifetime. Get the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re making the best decision for your home or organization.

Office Address

810 Baxter Avenue
Louisville, KY 40204
(502) 583-3038

Plant Address

1525 E. Breckinridge Street
Louisville, KY 40204